
HUF focuses on enhancing South Asia content in the K-12 classroom

The Hindi Urdu Flagship convened a workshop on April 28th aimed at enhancing awareness of South Asia and Hindi-Urdu at the K-12 level. The workshop, entitled Presenting South Asia through the Traditions of Hindi and Urdu, brought together many K-12 social studies teachers and administrators to discuss the specific question, “How can Hindi and Urdu resources make a contribution to students’ understanding of world culture and literature?”

HUF hosts national workshop on Hindi-Urdu pedagogy

The Hindi Urdu Flagship recently convened a workshop for university and K-12 teachers of Hindi and Urdu. The workshop featured some informal lectures on pedagogical strategies from HUF’s teaching faculty, a roundtable discussion on pressing issues in the Hindi-Urdu classroom, and a wonderful guest lecture by Prof. Shamim Hanfi on some highlights in the tangled modern history of Hindi and Urdu.

HUF hosts national workshop on Hindi-Urdu pedagogy