Various advanced Hindi-Urdu courses offered by the Department of Asian Studies play a key role in HUF’s second-year program. Course topics vary but usually focus on literary themes and specialize in either the Hindi or Urdu tradition. Classes are restricted to a small size, taught by prominent Asian Studies faculty, and are open to graduate students studying alongside HUF scholars. Class discussions, readings, and written assignments are conducted primarily in a Hindi-Urdu medium.
Past topics have included:

- Panorama of Hindi Literature
- Urdu Satire and Humor
- Hindi Drama and Film
- Philosophy and Poetry of Iqbal
- Hindi Literature in the Nationalist Era (1920s-’40s)
- Aesthetics of Genre in Urdu Literature
- Genre, Text, and Translation in Pre-Modern Hindi
For a list of current Hindi and Urdu course offerings from the Department of Asian Studies visit their course listings. Courses eligible for HUF’s Advanced Topic designation are usually numbered HIN 330 or URD 330. HUF scholars should always check with their HUF advisor before registering for their Advanced Topic course.