languages: urdu

Adeem Suhail

Suhail, a graduate student at the University of Texas at Austin, discusses his childhood growing up in Karachi, Pakistan.

Adeem Suhail

Ali Husain Mir

Ali Husain Mir sits down with HUF directors, Syed Akbar Hyder and Herman van Olphen, to discuss his background in Urdu and the state of the language in modern India.

Ali Husain Mir Interview

Shabana Azmi

Shabana Azmi, the well-known Indian actress, social activist, and diplomat, spoke to Hindi Urdu Flagship (HUF) students and the UT community in the Texas Union Theater.

Shabana Azmi

Harish Trivedi: Translation

Eminent Hindi scholar Harish Trivedi conducts a roundtable discussion on issues of translation focusing on Premchand’s ‘Rangbhumi’ and Tulsi’s Kavitavali.

Harish Trivedi

Abul Naghmi: Malihabadi

Famed Pakistan Radio broadcaster Abul Hasan Naghmi speaks to HUF students about the late Urdu poet Josh Malihabadi.


Mujtaba Hussain: Urdu Satire

Renowned Urdu satirist, Mujtaba Hussain, reads selections from his extensive catalog of Urdu journalism and humour.

Mujtaba Hussain

Kavita Datla: Hyderabad

Kavita Datla’s provides a nuanced take on the political struggles over India’s multiple linguistic traditions.

Kavita Datla

Rupert Snell: Social Discourse

Dr. Snell’s talk discusses socio-linguistic diversity in the context of the close but often vexed relationship between Hindi and Urdu, and shows how even the simplest greetings conversations call for an informed sensitivity to matters of register, honorific level, and religio-cultural background.

Rupert Snell

Shamim Hanfi: Manto

Hanfi responds to some preceding faculty and student papers, and gives a few thoughts on Manto himself.

Shamim Hanfi

Shamim Hanfi: Urdu-Hindi

Hanfi discusses some interesting moments in the complicated history of Urdu and Hindi.

Shamim Hanfi